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Statement of purpose

As part of our commitment to quality of care for patients.

We provide the following 5 regulated activities

  • treatment of disease, disorder or injury
  • diagnostic or screening
  • maternity
  • family planning services

These regulated activities are currently delivered by our clinical team of 5 GP partners, 4 salaried GPs, 1 regular locum doctor, 1 physician associate, as well as 3 nurses and 3 healthcare assistants.

Our aims and objectives are:

  • To provide high-quality, professional primary health care to our patients
  • To treat patients as individuals and with respect, listening and supporting people to express their ideas, concerns and expectations, and enabling people to maintain the maximum possible level of independence, choice and control
  • To work in partnership with our patients, their families and carers, involving them in decision-making about their treatment and care and empowering them to make good choices about their health and management of their conditions
  • To focus on prevention of disease by promoting a healthy lifestyle and offering appropriate advice to our patients
  • To be the patients’ advocates, supporting and representing patients’ best interests to ensure that they receive the best health and/or social care
  • To be a learning organisation that continually improves what we offer patients
  • To work in partnership with other agencies, to refer where necessary to secondary care, and to involve other professionals in the care of our patients when this is needed
  • To ensure that all staff have the competence and motivation to deliver the high standards of care
  • To take care of our staff, offering them support to do their jobs and protecting them against harm
  • To provide our patients and staff with an environment which is safe and friendly
  • To encourage our patients to be involved by joining our Patient Participation Group or to take part in surveys or to give us feedback
  • To operate on a financially sound basis and to keep a healthy work/life balance

Page published: 5 August 2024
Last updated: 6 August 2024