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Integrated Care Board (ICB)

The BOB Integrated Care Partnership (ICP), whose statutory members are the ICB and the five upper tier local authorities – will develop an overall strategy by the end of 2022. This strategy will be developed through local consultation. It will set out how we can improve health and care outcomes for our population through stronger partnership working between the NHS, our local authorities and other providers and it will inform the ICB, local authorities, NHS trusts and NHS England which will fund and deliver health and care services.

Patients and the public will continue to access care and services in exactly the same way as before but these changes will increase the integration of health and care services, building on the many great examples of partnership working and providing more joined up care.

Across BOB ICS, we will plan and provide joined up health and care services through the NHS, local authorities and third sector organisations to:

  • Improve the health and wellbeing of people in our area
  • Tackle health inequalities
  • Improve productivity
  • Support broader social and economic development.

By collaborating across the ICS, we will help health and care organisations tackle complex challenges, including:

  • Improving the health of children and young people
  • Supporting people to stay well and independent
  • Acting sooner to help those with preventable conditions
  • Supporting those with long-term conditions or mental health issues
  • Caring for those with multiple needs as populations age
  • Getting the best from collective resources so people get care as quickly as possible

For more information about Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire West Integrated Care System (BOB ICS), please visit

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 5 August 2024